Words of Life: Welcome to the Year of the Bible
Welcome to the Columbia Union Conference Year of the Bible. Throughout 2021, we will place special emphasis on the primacy of the Word of God and how it informs and impacts our mission, ministries and lives. During this special year, we invite you to join us in spending more time reading the Bible, digging deeper for knowledge and understanding, and meditating on its precepts, promises and prophecies.
At a time when many of Christ’s followers turned away, Jesus asked His disciples, “'Do you also want to go away?' But Simon Peter answered Him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life’” (John 6:67–68, NKJV).
This year, let us turn to the Bible, where we will find words of life, words of love, words of compassion, words of peace and words of hope.
Study them. Live them. Share them.
In His Service,
Dave Weigley, President
Rick Remmers, Executive Secretary
Emmanuel Asiedu, Treasurer
Join the Journey
To help you dig deeper into God’s Holy Word this year, we’re offering:
- Every Day—Read our Words of Life daily devotional book that features favorite Bible verses from members, pastors, students and leaders from across the Columbia Union. You can also read the devotionals on the Columbia Union app, and interact with the verses in our instagram stories.
- Every Week—Delivered straight to your email, read our e-newsletter by subscribing to Visitor News Bulletin at columbiaunionvisitor.com/vnb. Keep up with the latest Year of the Bible events, devotionals, videos and more.
- Every Month—This calendar, themed “Words of Life,” coincides with the devotional book and videos. It features a biblical topic and verse each month, with additional passages for further exploration, study and ideas on how to apply the concepts in your daily life.
Got a Minute?
This year’s principal contributor for our calendar and 1-minute video devotional series—sponsored by Kettering Adventist HealthCare—is Steve Carlson, chaplain at Kettering College (Ohio). He enjoys finding creative ways to provide spiritual nurture and care to a student population that’s always on the go—even if it's just for one minute.
“The Bible paints a beautiful picture of a God who will go to any length to bring physical, emotional, relational, mental and spiritual healing to our lives,” he says. “I can’t wait to journey through the Word with you and look at some of our favorite passages together! This year, more than ever before, let’s make it a priority to read, study, memorize, recite, discuss, share, post, tweet and meditate on Scripture.”
Find Year of the Bible offerings on our social media, website and new Columbia Union Conference app.
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