Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee Votes Response to 2019 Annual Council Warning
Statement Voted Nov 17, 2019
Due to the official “warning” that was given to the Columbia Union Conference at the 2019 General Conference Annual Council as a result of following the action voted by the 2012 Columbia Union constituency to allow for “inclusive ministerial ordination” in the Columbia Union, and in light of the discussions on this issue that continue to take place in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, VOTED:
That the Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee affirms and expresses its unwavering support for:
- The primacy of the Word of God, and its clarion call to fulfill the gospel commission;
- The mission and fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its prophetic role in proclaiming the Three Angels’ Messages;
- The belief in the Prophet Joel’s prophecy and in the Apostle Peter’s proclamation that in the last days, men and women, filled with the Holy Spirit, will prophesy in Christ’s name;
- The women pastors who, despite all odds, have accepted God’s call, and who, by policy, serve the Seventh-day Adventist Church as pastors, elders and leaders;
- The courageous and commendable leadership of the Columbia Union Conference leadership team.
Related Stories:
- ANN: Executive Committee Members Debate Proposed Compliance Action
- Columbia Union Statement Regarding 2018 Annual Coucil Vote
- NAD Statement on 2018 General Conference Annual Council Vote
- Leaders Affirm Women Pastors
- Read the Statement in Spanish
- Video: We'll Never Know the Full Impact of the Decisions of our Church to Disciminate
Columbia Union Executive Committee Response
As a member of the Pennsylvania Conference and the Columbia Union, I protest in the most strenuous manner this decision to go against the voted action of the General Conference in session.
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