Discovery Saves School $100,000 on Dorm Furniture
For years the BMA dorms have desperately needed new furniture, but the school couldn’t handle the costs involved: at least $3,500 per room and $128,000 to furnish both dorms. That changed when Chris Kramer, maintenance director, and
Stephen Reese, vice principal for finance, found a listing at govdeals.com. Someone was selling an entire dormitory of furniture from the University of Indiana.
BMA won the bid for $3,000 and acquired bunk beds with springs, desks, chairs and bookcases for every dorm room, including an extra 20 sets of furniture.
“We had gotten several quotes from several companies. The cost of each room would be approximately $3,500,” reports Corey Enochs, boys dean. The school paid $3,000 total for the furniture and even sold scrap metal from the old furniture for $1,500, reducing the cost in half. This deal saved the school more than $100,000.”
That is Awesome. I love hearing stories like this. Good Teamwork!
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