This promise gave me security and strength, and made me see that my case was not a matter of life or death, but a trial from which I would emerge victorious.
Group members, including founder Rockefeller Twyman, a member of the Rockville (Md.) church, recently visited the home of Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin, whose son, Thomas, took his own life.
When I knocked on his door 30 years ago, I never imagined the conversation we had would impact me to this day. I asked, “Pastor, if you had to give one piece of advice on how to live a life like yours, what would it be?”
“There is an amazing opportunity to change the world when we start empowering our youth for Jesus,” Robert Machado says. “So if I am given the opportunity to journey with young people and teach them the Jesus I know, how could I not want to be a part of that?”