This has been my comfort text since I was baptized at age 17. Just out of high school, and not knowing how I should steer my life, I cast all my burdens upon the Lord. I asked God for guidance in my career choice, overseas studies and job opportunities. At times, I wondered, Does God really care for me? A teenager?
I clung to this Bible verse during one of the most difficult times in my life. It says that we shouldn’t worry about things, but to pray to God, and He will guide and protect us.
Only adults are accepted or included in certain situations in life. But when it comes to Jesus, all of us—adults and children—are accepted and included and have a 100 percent chance of spending eternity with Jesus.
Lake Nelson Adventist Academy is a relatively small school located in Piscataway. The sophomore class only has 15 students, including myself, but, as a result, we are a truly connected community.
This is my favorite text in the Bible. So much of life is filled with heartache and pain: loved ones whom I have lost, political division and strife, famine, and pestilence with the COVID-19 virus. Through it all, I find peace knowing that nothing can take God’s love away from me.