In December and throughout 2018 Columbia Union Conference held a luncheon to affirm and express appreciation to the women clergy who serve in the Columbia Union.
Leading up to the event, members participated in months of coordinated training, creation and nurturing of small groups in homes and churches that would eventually host the meetings.
In his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen R. Covey promoted a principle to be considered by every leader and organization. It was called “First Things First.” Through this idea, he advocated for leaders to focus on what would advance the mission of an organization.
The Columbia Union Conference, woven together by 150,000 members, is as unique as the shades in a tapestry. The yarn, however, representing our great diversity, only serves a purpose when intertwined in solidarity. Read our 2018 Annual Report here.
Twenty-three teams from the Columbia Union Conference recently participated in the North American Division's Pathfinder Bible Excperience event in Rockford, Ill.
In one of the first sessions, Columbia Union President Dave Weigley reminded attendees that Jesus told His disciples to launch into the deep and cast out their nets to catch fish, and thanked them for making it a priority to “sharpen their swords to win souls for Jesus.”
One of the highlights of Transformation Evangelism, Columbia Union Conference’s recent event for pastors in Columbia, Md., included the awarding of $20,500 to young adult evangelism projects planned and run by local young adults.
“Alison brings to this position an outstanding record of scholarship and leadership,” says Donovan Ross, vice president for Education in the Columbia Union Conference.