Six pastors in the Potomac Conference recently completed their cohort in Growing Young—a research-based project focusing on successful ministry to young people—and have committed to being influential trainers for other pastors, youth and young adult leaders and churches in their areas.
Kettering College will host its eleventh annual Spring into Health 5K run/walk on Sunday, April 7, starting at 2 p.m. at Kettering College (3737 Southern Blvd).
In ‘Memories of My Grandmother,’ Lucille Byrd (sic),” published in the North AmericanInformant, Lucy Byard’s step-granddaughter, Naomi R. Allen, wrote that Lucy “was a strong, energetic church worker.
Want to learn more of the history (than we share in the March 2019 issue) surrounding the Lucy Byard incident? See more historical photos and letters sent between the Washington Sanitarium and the Seventh-day Adventist Church executives regarding Byard’s incident.
News of Lucy Byard’s death sent shock waves through the Seventh-day Adventist Church, especially among its 16,000 African-American members. How did it lead to the creation of regional conferences?
Después de servir 10 años como Directora Asociada de Educación y Cuidado de la Primera Infancia (ECEC) en la Oficina de Educación de la Unión de Columbia, y siete años como Superintendente Asociada de Escuelas en la Conferencia de Potomac, Evelyn Sullivan está dejando su puesto en la Unión.
Après avoir servi pendant 10 ans en tant que directrice adjointe pour l’éducation et la garde des jeunes enfants au département de l’Education (ECEC sigle en Anglais) de l’Union de Columbia, puis pendant sept ans en tant que directrice adjointe des Ecoles à la Fédération de Potomac, Evelyn Sullivan quitte son poste au sein de l’Union.
Lucy Byard is one of the most pivotal figures in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Yet many have never heard of her, or have just heard her name in passing as the casualty of a tragic event somewhere in the safely distant past.