Mountain View Conference Mountain View Church Evangelizes in City Park October 01, 2007 by kkajiuraThe Point Pleasant (W.Va.) church recently held a three-week, end-time seminar at the city’s Krodel Park.
MorePhiladelphia Mayor Meets With Executive Committee September 25, 2007 by kkajiuraAt the fall meeting of the Columbia Union Executive Committee, held at the North Philadelphia church in downtown Philadelphia, Mayor John Street spoke to attendees. It was very touching to hear how that church family has impacted his life.
Washington Adventist UniversityCUC Board Rescinds License Sale September 24, 2007 by kkajiuraThe Columbia Union College Board of Trustees (CUCBOT) has voted to rescind the action to enter into negotiations to sell their radio station license.
New Jersey ConferenceCortes Elected President of New Jersey Conference September 24, 2007 by kkajiuraAt the 38th Regular Constituency Session of the New Jersey Conference, delegates elected José Cortes to serve as president for the next five years.