WGTS Shares Jesus On-Location Throughout the Region
Story by Lisa Krueger
That smile on the little boy’s face when he received the sticker, that tear in the woman’s eye as our team prayed with her – these stories happening thousands of times, over and over. That’s what community engagement is all about –making connections.
Of course, you can find the WGTS team on the radio at 91.9 and 88.3 every day of the year. And on-air ministry is where you can hear the music and conversation provided by our hosts, live and in the studios with you from 5 a.m. to midnight.
But our staff and our volunteers can also be found on-location throughout the region. You’ll find us at churches, at schools, at hospitals, at concerts, at convention centers, on the golf course, and many more spots throughout the region.
In 2024, the WGTS team has been on-location to personally connect with listeners at more than 100 places. What a joy to visit with, pray with, laugh with thousands and thousands of people at these special events.
“Each on-location moment is a valued and unique opportunity to connect in a deep way with listeners; it is a vital part of our ministry, as it is where we can personally share Jesus with people,” says Kevin Krueger, president and CEO.
Whether it is a handshake or a hug, each moment contains meaning and is special. It’s about a team member listening and praying with a visitor. It is receiving ice cream, a bumper sticker, or a shopping tote. And it is giving to others through Hands and Heart campaigns, like “Loads of Hope,” which collected laundry detergent in 2024 to help those in need.
However it happens, the WGTS team believes in connecting with listeners (and potential listeners) face to face throughout the Washington, D.C., metro region and the Eastern Shore.
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