NAD President Urges Members to ‘Reach Baltimore’
Story by Evan Knott
Church members from the Baltimore area recently gathered at the Baltimore White Marsh church to learn more about Reach Baltimore 2025, a collaborative evangelism project between Chesapeake Conference, Allegheny East Conference (AEC) and It Is Written, with additional support from the Columbia Union Conference and the North American Division (NAD).
The rally featured an inspiring message by G. Alexander Bryant, NAD president, who, along with John Bradshaw, It Is Written president, will present the evangelistic messages during the Baltimore proclamation meetings in October 2025. A second series of meetings will be held in Spanish, featuring Robert Costa, speaker/director of It Is Written’s Hispanic ministry, Escrito Está.
“I’m delighted for evangelism. I’m doubly delighted that we’re doing it together,” Bryant said, expressing his excitement over the collaboration between the various church entities.
Bryant also highlighted Pentecost 2025, a NAD initiative that aims to hold at least 3,000 proclamation events across North America next year. “The core of Pentecost 2025 is praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit so we may receive extra power for completing our assignment,” Bryant said.
Participants included Marcellus T. Robinson, Columbia Union president; Eric Flickinger, It Is Written associate speaker; Jerry Lutz, Chesapeake Conference president; Gene Donaldson, AEC ministerial director; David Klinedinst, Chesapeake Conference Evangelism and Church Growth director; and Lee Kimani, AEC pastor of the Edmondson Heights church in Baltimore.
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