You Are Our Strongest Evangelist
Calendar introduction by the Columbia Union Leadership Team
When you are empowered by God, you can harness your spiritual gifts in a mighty way. Devote time to enriching your personal relationship with Him through prayer, study and meditation. Bolster your physical body by setting aside time for self-care—resting, drinking water, exercising and balancing stress. Engaging in these will strengthen your gifts.
When you are equipped to do something big for God, the sky is the limit. Achieving this goes beyond tools and resources; it also involves identifying your gifts, diving deep into the Word and allowing the Holy Spirit to fill and guide you.
When you are engaged in pursuing the mission of God, an everyday task or a personal passion can provide a natural catalyst for sharing His Word, attesting to the power of prayer or the means to provide a helping hand at just the right moment. By employing your gifts, you’ll be able to foster meaningful, loving relationships, be of service to others and create a more compassionate church and community for all.
“Empower, Equip, Engage” is the Columbia Union Conference’s strategic motto for 2024–2026. This initiative will guide our local conferences, church leaders and members to empower, equip, and engage individuals to maximize everyone’s spiritual gifts for evangelism.
Romans 12:6–8 illuminates the beauty of effective evangelism: “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us” (NIV). This profound truth calls us to recognize and embrace the distinctive talents that make each individual a vital part of the whole.
Take this calendar, and the Columbia Union Conference’s strategic motto, as a call to action in 2024. Take advantage of the many training events and resources available this year in your local conferences and churches. Let us commit ourselves to a life lived in accordance with the grace given to each of us. Jesus promises, “I am with you always.” Let this assurance help you to embrace your gifts, cultivate them and, above all, use them to evangelize your corner of the world.
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