Takoma Academy Seniors Exhibit Skills at Model United Nations
Story by Shaun Robinson
In times like these, in which there are conflicts and strife across the globe, many often wonder if humans will ever live in peace and learn to occupy this planet as a single cohort of God’s most prized creations. To achieve that type of solidarity would require the kind of compromise, tolerance and communication that is taught during programs like The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN).
Hence, two of Takoma Academy’s (TA) most insightful young ladies were recently selected to travel to The Hague and contribute in the discussions about issues that affect citizens around the globe. Seniors Kimorra Buggs and Danielle Johnson participated in the THIMUN conference.
Both young ladies participated in the Capitol Model United Nations event, hosted at Washington Adventist University in Takoma Park, Md. After that experience, they expressed interest in representing TA at the THIMUN conference.
“The process really strengthened my argumentative skills because it forces you to look at world issues from different perspectives,” says Buggs. “I think this is an invaluable program to someone who is pursuing a career in liberal arts because it puts your writing and communication skills to the test.”
Both young women expressed similar sentiments about the location of the venue and were smitten by the quaintness and architecture of Amsterdam.
“This was one of the best experiences of my life!” says Johnson. “Being able to explore different parts of the Netherlands and casually walk through the city was very liberating. I felt a great sense of independence.”
Each year, THIMUN hosts more than 3,000 students and educators from across the globe. TA staff members say they are very proud of its two representatives this year!
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