Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Maryland Congregation Dedicates New Facility, Dewaine Frazer, Allegheny East Conference, Columbia Community Center, Gary Wimbish

Maryland Congregation Dedicates New Facility

Story by Celeste Ryan Blyden

About 200 members and guests of the Columbia Community Center (CCC) church in Columbia, Md., recently celebrated their 28th anniversary with a special worship program and dedication service. Several of the congregation’s charter members were on hand to witness the occasion, which included warm greetings from community and church leaders and former pastors, all of whom were thrilled to see the progress and growth.

The CCC story began in 1993 with 13 people who dreamed of planting an AEC church in Columbia, Md. They gathered for prayer meetings, Bible studies and fellowship at the home of Ralph and Joy Peterson. After worshipping in a local community center for 16 years, the growing group rented a church for another eight years. In 2020, they secured the current building at 9121 Red Branch Road, which underwent extensive renovations before they were granted the occupancy permit in October 2023.

“This church is nothing short of a miracle that only God could have made possible,” said Dewaine Frazer, CCC pastor. Frazer welcomed back Gary Wimbish, Allegheny East Conference executive secretary, who pastored the congregation from 2012– 2022, during the time the congregation started the process to find a church home. Under the theme, “Only God,” Wimbish recounted the miracles and blessings that allowed CCC to overcome numerous obstacles to purchase their new facility. The edifice includes a sanctuary, kitchen and fellowship hall, Sabbath School rooms, parent’s room, offices, and space for a health clinic and community center from which members faithfully distribute food to underserved people.

“It has taken time, energy and financial resources from many contributors to achieve this milestone,” reflects Frazer, the congregation’s 10th pastor, “but their dreams, sacrifice and faithfulness created the foundation from which we will continue, with God’s help, to grow and reap heavenly dividends.” 

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