Kicking Off the Year With Purpose
Story by Emilie Flores, Music Teacher
At Spencerville Adventist Academy (SAA), starting the school year with a spiritual retreat at Mt. Aetna Retreat Center in Hagerstown, Md., is a cherished tradition for high school students. This annual event is more than just an opportunity to connect; it’s a profound way to begin the year with a strengthened connection to God—both as a community and as individuals. This year’s retreat, themed “Who Are You?”, was especially memorable, featuring keynote speaker Pastor Dunbar Henri, a former educator.
Henri underscored the significance of the theme: “Students wrestle with questions about their identities and roles within the church. Our aim was to help them define their identity in Christ—not based on external influences from the church or their parents but through their own personal journey in Him.” His message resonated deeply, encouraging students to explore their beliefs and see themselves as integral to God’s larger plan.
The group activities were designed to build faith and trust, not only in God but also in themselves, as they face various challenges. One key moment was a 45-minute solo time with God in nature, allowing students time for reflection and spiritual connection. Additionally, students participated in the Great Controversy game, in which they were challenged to make decisions that would guide them toward heaven. The evening was filled with social activities, including a lively game of capture the flag, basketball matches against teachers and simply relaxing together.
Many left the retreat feeling inspired and motivated, ready to approach the school year with a renewed sense of purpose. Senior Jerusha Samuel shared her experience: “As this was my last spiritual retreat, it held a special significance for me. The chance to worship and learn about God at the beginning of the year was incredibly valuable. I connected spiritually with others and felt God’s presence among us, especially during the Saturday night worship. The collective singing and unity were profoundly touching. This is an experience I will always remember and cherish.”
Amber Mayer, a high school English teacher at SAA, shared her perspective on the retreat’s impact: “It was an equally enriching weekend for teachers. I really enjoyed the time spent with the senior girls. On Friday evening, we ended the day by writing down things we appreciated about each other. On Saturday evening, we relaxed with facials and sleepy tea. It’s so lovely to unwind in nature and create lasting memories with our students.”
As the SAA community reflect on this transformative retreat, they look forward to a great year ahead, inspired by the experiences and connections made at Mount Aetna.
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