Army Veteran Pivots to Nursing Career
Story by Rebecca Ingle
Michael Collins, a Kettering College Nursing student, admits, “I never expected to be a nurse.” But he is graduating this semester with his dream job waiting for him on a cardiac intensive care unit at Kettering Health, the health system that partners with the college.
Michael served in the U.S. Army for several years and began to consider a civilian career after the military. His dad started a nursing career later in life when Michael was in high school, and Michael saw how rewarding it proved to be for his dad. “I’ve seen it work for my dad,” he says, “so I wanted to try it for myself.”
Michael surprised himself with his desire to be a nurse. But he decided to act on it and use the funds from his G.I. Bill to enroll in college after his military service. The bill would cover the cost of an associate degree in Nursing at a community college or a bachelor’s degree in Nursing, so the decision was easy for Michael to attend Kettering College. He settled in quickly and began enjoying the tight-knit atmosphere.
“My time here has been great. I love how small the campus is and how everybody knows each other, and you form bonds.” He adds, “Professors knew me by name, and this encouraged me to do well.”
In addition to the familial campus, he says Kettering College’s relationship with Kettering Health made getting a job as a nursing assistant during his time as a student extremely easy, opening the door to start getting experience and growing his professional network.
Michael wasn’t looking for a faith-based college but says he appreciated it. “I love the Christian atmosphere and praying before tests. I wasn’t even looking for that and had never heard of Seventh-day Adventists, but I came to look forward to prayer before a test.”
He says he knows he’s going to love his career in nursing because it’s a field that offers so many options for jobs that vary in pace, demographic, and environment. He says, “I enjoy helping people, and I want to give back to the community. I’m excited to apply my knowledge. I know it’s going to be rewarding!”
In addition to doing work that is meaningful, he admits he appreciates that being a nurse means “having a balance of being on your feet mixed in with times at a desk.” Michael says his work as a nursing assistant is exciting, and he feels engaged in his work, which makes his days fulfilling and helps him know a career in nursing will be just as gratifying.
Michael acknowledges nursing is not yet a career many men pursue. But he says, “To men who have written off nursing as a career for women only, I say, ‘It’s 2024, and you can do what you want to do.’ I wouldn’t want to pass up such a great career because people assume it’s only for women. Having gender diversity on the floors is a great asset.”
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