16 Mountain View Conference Members Venture on India Mission Trip
Story by Walter Cardenas
The Great Commission is to “Go”! Late last year, a group of 16 brave Mountain View Conference members ventured across the Atlantic Ocean to serve in India on a short-term mission trip to serve “the least of these.”
After traveling 35 to 40 hours, they settled into their lodging and got to work immediately. The members, who joined with other missionaries from the United States and around the world, were there to help with projects at a boarding school in the Madgulapally village. Each of them joined a ministry team: medical, dental, electrical, painting, cleaning, cooking, Children’s Ministries or evangelism.
Members painted the campus church, administration building, cafeteria and both the girls’ and boys’ dormitories. They also changed ceiling fans and installed lights in all the buildings. During their stay, volunteers served more than 400 people in the dental clinic and more than 300 in the medical clinic. The dorm mattresses were either non-existent or in such a bad shape they were unusable. As a result, the team replaced them and bought all new bedding. The children were so excited to receive new sheets and pillows. In addition, every child received a new pair of shoes.
As a group, the team chose to sponsor two children at the school for one year. For approximately $600 each, the girl and boy they chose will not only receive tuition but also room and board and clothing. As team members saw how just a small amount of money could accomplish so much, they decided to sponsor children on their own, resulting in sponsoring 10 children in total.
The team worked hard and were often tired, they say, but the blessings they felt were worth it. Even more exciting, they were able to witness the baptisms of 48 people who gave their lives to Jesus!
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