What Does Your Gift Look Like?
Story by Kasper Haughton Jr.
When you give to your conference’s endowment funds, what does your gift look like?
At first, your gift may simply look like a check in the mail or a one-time online donation. It might look like an organization offering to match your gift or a small monthly contribution. But that’s only what your gift looks like today.
Tomorrow, it may look like a father and son deciding to get baptized together at summer camp. Your gift may look like students learning STEM skills needed for careers of tomorrow. Or your gift can be used for new generations of leaders to grow churches together in faith.
The Ohio Conference has six endowments, one ministry fund, and one campaign designed to support the work of the church as funds generate interest income: the Fryling Monthly Giving Club, Harding Mental Health Endowment, Youth Endowment, Education Endowment, Camp Mohaven Endowment, Disciple Ohio Endowment, Evangelism Endowment, and the Vision Ohio Giving Campaign.
Today, your gift to your local conference’s endowment funds may look like a simple donation. But tomorrow, your gift may change lives for generations to come.
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