Allegheny East Conference Welcomes Filipino Congregation
Story by LaTasha Hewitt
Members of the Allegheny East Conference (AEC) recently celebrated the official organization of the Filipino American Oxon Hill (Md.) church. What began in 2011 as a church plant with just four members has now grown to more than 100 members. “The focus of our congregation is to reach the Filipino community in the areas of Oxon Hill, Fort Washington and Temple Hills, Maryland,” says Ariel Matira, pastor.
Matira first thought to connect with AEC after a suggestion from Ronald Cho, a retired AEC pastor, who encouraged him to reach out to the administration. “I was touched by the vision of the conference to reach all nations,” remembers Matira. Shortly after, he visited the AEC office building and saw a sign in the lobby with the word, “Mabuhay,” which means “welcome” in Filipino. Matira instantly felt the congregation should be a part of AEC. “We are grateful that we joined this conference that has been very supportive to us from the beginning, and we have not looked back,” says Matira.
The church continues to flourish during the pandemic. Members have multiple services such as midweek, vespers and all-day worship on Saturdays, including sundown worship to recommit their lives to God for another week.
As a result, tithe doubled compared to what was collected in 2020, and the church has become more united. “Now we are facing 2022, confident that the God who protected and blessed us is the same God who will be with us now,” shares Matira.
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