November 24, 2021: Where You Go, I’ll Go
“By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night” (Exod. 13:21, NIV).
I was wrestling with a difficult decision. I knew what I wanted to do, but I had no peace. As I was lying in bed weeping over my decision, a friend called me up and said, “Janesta, I was having my devotions, and God told me I should call you.”
We talked for a bit, and I explained my dilemma. I had to decide whether to stay in the place and position I knew God had called me to or go to the place I really wanted to go. My friend read Exodus 13 with me. Then, he asked me a hard question: “Has the cloud moved?” As I tried to tell him that I didn’t know, the still, small voice in my heart said, “You do know. We have been here before. You know the peace that you have when I am guiding you.”
I thought about my life and how God had led me so many times in the past. I remembered how things had fallen into place as I followed God’s leading, even when it was hard to know where we were going. He was right there guiding me, not making the decision for me, but showing me the way. And I knew what to do. I would stay where I was and wait on Him.
When the cloud moved, I had peace, and the cloud led me to a place that was beyond my dreams.
God, may we be willing to go wherever You lead. Amen.
Janesta Walker is the superintendent of education for the Chesapeake Conference.