With Growing Numbers, Spring Valley Academy to Expand High School
Story by Vicki Swetnam
God has blessed Ohio Conference's Spring Valley Academy (SVA) with unprecedented growth over the past several years. With an enrollment nearing 500 this school year, the current facility is at maximum capacity. As SVA completed the first phase of the Fritzsche Center for Worship and Performing Arts in 2018, it became clear that the next project needed to address the need for more classroom space. Plans began for a new high school addition along the southwest corner of the existing facility.
With more than half of the projected cost of $6 million raised, SVA recently broke ground ceremonially. The project will commence September 1, with an expected completion date of July 2022, just in time for the 2022–23 school year.
The new high school addition will be approximately 15,000 square feet and will include six new classrooms that open onto a large atrium with plenty of space for studying, small groups and other gatherings. There will be an activity room with ping pong tables, as well as a beautiful patio space.
With this new addition, current high school classrooms will be available for middle schoolers to use, as the student body continues to grow.
“We knew we needed this space,” says Darren Wilkins, principal. “God has blessed us to the point of stretching our current capacity. It’s a good problem to have, but one that needs to be addressed so we can continue to educate as many young people for the kingdom.”
For more information or to support the high school expansion project, contact Angie Peach at (937) 433-0790, or visit springvalleyacademy.org.
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