Shiloh Cincinnati Expands on enditnow Campaign
Story by Benia Jennings
Ten years ago, the General Conference launched their enditnow campaign, which emphasizes ending the cycle of abuse on women and children. Intimate partner violence has been a long-standing issue for more than 100 years within the Allegheny West Conference Shiloh Cincinnati church’s surrounding Avondale community. As a result, church members took part in this initiative to stop violence that may affect congregation and community members alike.
Shiloh Community Services, church elders and 10 volunteers partnered with a local women’s domestic violence shelter to bring hope, love and a warm meal to survivors of domestic violence. They served 67 women and children hot breakfasts—a rarity on weekends. After breakfast, a fun-filled craft for the children provided smiles and laughter.
As part of the Avondale community, Shiloh members consider it their duty to love and serve all people, regardless of their circumstances. “God has called us to love, to serve, to bring hope and expand His kingdom. And we do that by stepping beyond the walls and into the streets,” says Bryant Smith, pastor. “We have accepted the call and are charged and ready to end this cycle of abuse in our community.”
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