Why Go to Church?
Editorial by Rick Remmers
We live in a fast-paced digital age. News is distilled into soundbites. Thirty-second commercials leave us feeling that a two-minute video is long. We expect our internet service to be max speed. We grow impatient even as our microwave ovens quickly warm up our food. Electronic devices are all around us—we use them for work, play, learning, relaxation, communication, relationships and even worship.
What is the impact of all of this on our church-going experience? The Gallup organization recently released the results of a poll citing the reasons people say they attend church or other places of worship. The number one reason—a major factor for 76 percent of respondents—was “sermons or talks that teach you more about Scripture.”
The second reason was similar. “Sermons or lectures that help you connect religion to your own life.” Programming for children, volunteering, social activities and music were also listed, but they all placed behind preaching.
Preaching from the Word of God still feeds our souls. It has not lost its power. It still comforts the grieving, convicts the sinner, strengthens the weary and gives hope to the discouraged. Scripture was written long ago. “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?” (Rom. 10:14, NKJV).
Why do you go to church? There may be many good reasons, but it is my hope that you are
fed by the preaching of Scripture so you can better know and follow Jesus.
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