Delegates Approve Proposal to Reduce Executive Committee Size
Story by Visitor Staff / Photograh by Hearly Mayr
A lively discussion preceded the voted acceptance of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee report, which included a proposed reduction in the size of the Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee from the current 52 to 46 for the 2016-2021 quinquennium.
Rob Vandeman, who was returned to office for a second term as executive secretary and chaired the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, explained the desire for streamlining while maintaining the balance between church employees and non-employees. “We’re the third largest union in the NAD [North American Division], but we by far have the largest executive committee,” he said. “We want to assure that the committee retains the ability for healthy dialogue and the exchange of ideas and not become, in essence, simply a town hall meeting."
Delegates later voted the executive committee members for the new term, as selected by nominating committee members (who caucused by conference to choose representatives on April 24). The new committee is comprised of 22 church employees and 24 non-employees.
“They are an excellent group of members from our eight conferences and three institutions who will help give guidance to the mission within our territory,” said Vandeman. “They are diverse, representative, bring a wealth of experience, and share our desire to advance the mission of Christ in this union, and we look forward to working with them.”
A delegate proposed that the new executive committee be asked to consider ways to restructure the funding at the union level so as to keep more money at the local conference level. The motion passed.
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