Pennsylvania Churches Reach out Through Broomstick Hockey
By Beth Michaels
With broomsticks and a small inflatable ball, members from Pennsylvania Conference’s Hershey and Reading Hampton Heights churches, and their invited friends and co-workers, are regularly getting together to play a twist on an old favorite—Broomstick Hockey. Every four to six weeks, from September through May, an average of 40-50 players of all ages go out on the ice to have some good ol’ Christian fun. Because they play in their gym shoes, everyone has a fair shot at making a score.
“It is great exercise going back and forth on the ice arena trying to get the ball into the hockey net,” says Michele Bissell, Hershey church youth leader. “We usually have people from Harrisburg to Lancaster to Hamburg to Gettysburg come and join us. It is a lot of fun!”
Players converge at the old Hershey Arena, where the AHL Hershey Bears played from 1936 until 2002. The cost is $6/person—plus $1 to rent a broom in case you forget yours—which pays for one hour on the ice.
The two churches are considering continuing the activity through the summer, and they invite anyone interested to join them. Contact the Hershey church at (717) 533-7009.
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