On Sabbath, September 11, 2021—the 20th anniversary of 9/11—volunteers from Potomac Conference's Takoma Park (Md.) church led an effort to extend help to a neighbor in need.
Donald and Amber West, members of Mountain View Conference's Point Pleasant (W.Va.) church, share how God brought them together and how He called them to come home.
Why do we need peace? Better yet, why do we need God’s peace, and how is God’s peace better than the world’s? God gives us a kind of peace that the world cannot give. A kind of peace that takes away fear. One that is stronger than the world itself.
I have a bad habit of getting lost. I’ve been lost in grocery stores, malls, parks and even at church. Luke 19:10 reminds me that Jesus loves us so much that He came to save us. And when we get into trouble or when we are lost, He rescues us. He is the real Superman!
When I was growing up, a standard part of my week was memory verses. Many of these verses have stayed with me, and they will come to mind when prompted by everyday circumstances. When thinking about this devotional book, I found my thoughts turning to those memory verses from long ago.
Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center and Adventist HealthCare White Oak Medical Center recently installed da Vinci Xi Surgical Systems for minimally invasive procedures.
As Seventh-day Adventists, we are committed to the hope of Christ’s return, and we are passionate about sharing the everlasting gospel to as many people as we can.
I was wrestling with a difficult decision. I knew what I wanted to do, but I had no peace. As I was lying in bed weeping over my decision, a friend called me up and said, “Janesta, I was having my devotions, and God told me I should call you.”