#Relevantreligion Twitter chat transcript
January 21 #Relevant Religion Twitter Chat Transcript
Yesterday, leaders from the Columbia Union Conference and, beyond, participated in a Twitter chat to share ideas of how the Seventh-day Adventist Church can better meet the changing needs of Americans. (See more on this topic here.)
The story of Jesus is relevant to every culture, faith community, time and place. #relevantreligion @VisitorNews
— Raj Attken (@RajAttiken) January 21, 2014
Q1. Why are more Americans losing interest in #religion, but still pursuing #spirituality?
@diegosboquer One of the reasons is because how religion is presented. More and more people want relevance and not tradition or ceremony.
@RajAttiken Externals, including church institutions, can become distractions to spiritual quests
@jacobgemmell Many American's don't want answers spoon fed to them. #Religion often times can put #God into a box.
@kitesurfpastor (Dave Gemmell) Many religions have answers but no room for questions. Unfortunately for many, life has more questions than answers.
@aucye (Center for Youth Evangelism) Critical distinction between religion & Jesus has been made by the twentysomething generation
Q2. How is the American shift from #religion to #spirituality impacting the #Adventist church?
@RajAttiken "Religion" can be seen as structure, form, & institution - things people aren't drawn much to, anymore
@RajAttiken The church isn't the center or sole venue for spiritual support for growing number.
@jacobgemmell You will find a large number of people who grew up #adventist (and still in many ways are) but have no attachment to the #SDA #denomination
@kitesurfpastor Answers came from founders struggling with questions. Answers passed on in the vacuum of questions lack relevance.
Q3. How should we change our evangelism approach for different cultures/ generations? (If at all)
@RajAttiken Focus on introducing #Jesus, not the church or anything else.
@RajAttiken The story of Jesus is relevant to every culture, faith community, time and place.
@diegosboquer Our evangelism approach should always point to Christ while diving into the culture to sympathize and not criticize.
@diegosboquer Somehow I still believe that the great commission is a lot more about Loving than preaching. Which is the easiest?
@aallanmartin So very true. And when there is loving preaching, all the better.
@aallanmartin I'd suggest relationships build on the ABCs & Ds. https://db.tt/vMGoTsh6
@diegosboquer Adapting our approach to speak in the vernacular! The message is eternal but its exposition is temporal.
@kitesurfpastor Church is simply a means to the end--the end is Jesus. If the means doesn't work, change the means.
@jacobgemmell God welcomes #reason. "Come let us Reason.”
@jacobgemmell Before going into an #evangelism routine get to know someone's perspective, their questions, and their struggles with #Religion and God
@aallanmartin Is Christ Jesus the main actor? Or is He just making a cameo? Just a supporting actor? Is HE nominated for the Oscar?
Q4. Why are some people afraid of changing our approach as a church or individuals? What would you say to them?
@RajAttiken There is security in the known. Change requires one to embrace the unknown.
@jacobgemmell Some people are just afraid of #change. Lets look at how #Jesus did things.
@aallanmartin Let's b sensitive 2 the fear, listening closely 2 what approach and methods mean for them. There's a fascinating story there.
@kitesurfpastor The religious package may work for one generation but not the next. Need new wine skins for every generation.
Q5. It seems like more #youngadults are leaving church. How can we change this?
@kitesurfpastor Give Young Adults the responsibility of the gospel.
@RajAttiken Read "Sacred Roots," in Barna Frames
@aallanmartin Authenticity. Young adults want real, honest, transparent relationships.
@aucye Critical distinction between religion & Jesus has been made by the twentysomething generaton.
Q6. via @diegosboquer: How can we still keep our heritage/ "traditions" while adapting without risking a shift or identity within SDA?
@JinJJa (Justin Yang) Healthy traditions & heritage will continue in healthy families. We need to become a healthy family. :)
@diegosboquer AMEN!!!!! It starts in the family!!! POWERFUL!!!
@jacobgemmell You will find a large number of people who grew up #Adventist (and still in many ways are) but have no attachment to the #SDA #denomination
Q7. Many churches/ministries are also getting it right. What are some of the characteristics of a relevant church?
@RajAttiken Devotion to the radical pursuit of God, delighting in his presence
@diegosboquer Churches that are growing are daring greatly without fear of making mistakes. We have more questions than answers.
@kitesurfpastor Acceptance and sense of belonging wherever we are on our spiritual journey.
@COR_CYE (Church of Refuge, Center for Youth Evangelism) Churches in @COR_CYE Network are embracing these 9 values. @benorian #relevantreligion http://ow.ly/sNPFW
@COR_CYE Churches actually dedicate a robust budget for #YAMinistry. They put the money where their mouth is. :)
@COR_CYE They sent their YA Couple on a honeymoon when they couldn't afford to.
@annaromuald Intentional integration and mentorship into the church community as leaders of today
Q8: Why are more people searching for God in today’s world? What does that say to you?
@RajAttiken God is busy in his world, drawing people to himself!
@kitesurfpastor Life is shallow. Spirituality is deep.#relevantreligion
@JinJJa God is desperately to take His children home. :) Thank U today for this chat....
We’d love to hear what you think about the topic, too! Tweet your thoughts to @VisitorNews #relevantreligion!
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