Beltsville School Bids Farewell to Principal Pega
Story by Tiffany Doss
For 31 years, Principal Wendy Pega was often the first one to arrive and the last one to leave Potomac Conference's Beltsville Adventist School (BAS) in Maryland. This summer Pega turned off her computer, handed her keys to the new principal, Jerson Malaguit, and closed the door for the last time. After more than three decades, Pega has retired.
“We teach students the importance of respect, how to make good decisions and guide them in their walk with God,” Pega says. “I know wherever our students go, they will be prepared. The thoughtful partnership between families, school and church members makes this school special. We work well together because the focus is always on what’s best spiritually, socially and academically for the student.”
Kris Flo, an alumnus, fondly reminisces, “My first day of kindergarten was Mrs. Pega’s first day as principal. It’s ironic that her last day as principal [was] my daughter’s last day of kindergarten. As principal, she strove for excellence and pushed the bar.”
Alumnus Ricquel Bell and parent of first-grader says she’ll miss seeing Pega every morning welcoming each child by name. Bell echoes the sentiments of hundreds of parents: “She will be greatly, greatly missed.”
BAS will kick off the 2019–20 school year with Malaguit, who brings with him nearly two decades of experience and most recently served as vice principal for Mile High Academy (Colo.).
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