Book Release: Transformation
Interview by Visitor Staff
Jim Ayer says he is no longer an alcoholic, thief and drug dealer all because God changed him. In his new book, Transformation, Ayer shares his own intensely personal journey of transformation. He also offers a study guide and DVD following the same theme. This member of Chesapeake Conference’s Triadelphia church in Clarksville, Md., said he felt compelled to spread the word that “our loving Lord is well able to change us into royalty and prepare us to become co-regents with Him forever” to those who struggle each day against the devil.
Q: How did your personal experiences impact the book?
A: Transformation is an outgrowth of my own personal journey—stumbling, falling and falling again. But once I discovered that my relationship with God, His love, power and desire to change me is completely anchored in His abilities alone to accomplish all He asks me to become, I began to experience exciting growth in my life.
Q: If people had only one choice, which of these three offerings should they pick?

A: The book, guide and DVD series each stand alone as to content. Each looks at the “diamond of transformation” from a different facet, one building upon the other. If people can pick only one, My choice would be the 12-week study guide because it leads you into the daily journey of experiencing all the blessings God has in store for you. The DVD complements, and adds to, the experience.
Q: Tell us about the DVDs.
A: Remodeling Your Life unfolds over 12 episodes on three DVDs. We shot the series in 100-plus locations in California, Nevada, Massachusetts and Washington, D.C. We tried to create a very engaging dynamic, getting rid of the preacher standing on a stage with a suit and tie!
Q: In your opinion, what is the key to spiritual transformation?
A: It’s all about getting to know Jesus as your very best Friend and understanding what surrender and commitment really looks like. The deeper the friendship, the greater the change of character resulting in greater happiness, peace and joy.
The books and DVDs are available at your local Adventist book store and at various online outlets.
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