Join Our January 21 #Relevantreligion Twitter Chat
About a year ago, a Pew Research Center report revealed that a rapidly growing number of Americans—20 percent of the public and one-third of adults younger than 30—didn’t identify with any religion. But, a quick scan of the country’s cultural landscape suggests Americans do have a keen interest in—maybe even a passion for—God and spiritual things. From books to television to the digital realm, religious subjects and themes surround us.
Join the Columbia Union Visitor’s #relevantreligion Twitter chat on January 21 at 12 p.m. EST as we discuss this phenomena. We’ll chat with Dave Gemmell, associate director of the North American Division’s Ministerial Department, and Raj Attiken, retired Ohio Conference president, about why this is happening and what we can do to reach this group. (Can’t tweet then? Tweet your questions/comments to @VisitorNews or Facebook them and we’ll ask our experts for you.)
Read more on this topic below:
Despite Negative Press and a Drop in the Polls, Is God Making a Comeback?
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