Report Delivered to WAU Board of Trustees Regarding Plagiarism Allegations
Story by Richard Castillo
During the regularly scheduled meeting of the WAU Board of Trustees, an investigative report was delivered in relation to allegations of plagiarism levied against WAU President Weymouth Spence. The non-Adventist investigator is an administrator with nearly 50 years of experience in higher education, who has an earned PhD, served as a college president, and now teaches other college presidents was engaged to offer an analysis.
The investigator’s conclusion, according to widely accepted academic and professional protocol for higher education and an experienced understanding of the definition of plagiarism, prescribes that there was no intentional offense identified, nor did the investigator deem the errors egregious.
After a thorough review and lengthy discussion, the WAU Board Executive Committee brought a recommendation to the University Board of Trustees in relation to the report. Not seeing evidence of any nefarious intent, the WAU Board Executive Committee recommended that the Board advise the president to apply a higher degree of rigor in his use of sources.
The Executive Committee acknowledged Dr. Spence’s valuable contribution to the university over the last 10 years and expressed confidence and appreciation for his continued visionary leadership.
The Board of Trustees voted strongly in favor of the recommendation.
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