Ohio Radio Station Celebrates One Year of Blessings
Story by Heidi Shoemaker
"Congratulations to our radio station on this first anniversary! It has brought so many blessings through every broadcasted program. We hope and pray that this station will continue for many more years, sharing the message of salvation,” says Miguel Rodriguez, member of the First Hispanic church of Columbus, located in Westerville, in a comment on Facebook Live earlier this year.
Ohio Conference's Stereo Adventist Radio (STAR) began broadcasting in January 2018. Its beginning was not easy and required extensive preparation. This considerable challenge was nothing compared to the one they had after their first broadcast, however: keeping their broadcasts on air 24/7. “The need for resources, including a volunteer staff to operate the station, was an enormous challenge, but by God’s grace it was accomplished,” shares Peter Simpson, Hispanic Ministries coordinator for the Ohio Conference.
“Since the station began, we have doubled our initial audience (1,500 people per week) and doubled the number of countries who report listening to STAR,” says Simpson. To meet production demands, the station has doubled the number of volunteers—now more than 30 people—who offer their time, talents and many other resources to the station.
According to Simpson, STAR is looking ahead as they spread the gospel to an increasing number of listeners. Their central studios are presently in Cleveland, and they have acquired the necessary equipment to install two additional studios in Dayton and Columbus. This addition will allow the station to “have more participation [from members around the state] and put us closer to more people to reach them with the gospel of salvation,” says Simpson.
STAR leaders worked diligently to keep up with technological demands. One of their volunteers created a free app for both Apple and Android devices, enabling the station to reach even more listeners. “This is undoubtedly one of our greatest blessings and a much more effective way for people to be connected to our radio station. This has been a truly blessed year and a great first anniversary!” exclaims Simpson.
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