First Mission School Opens in Allentown
First Mission School Opens in Allentown
Story by Tamyra Horst, Pennsylvania Conference
As children headed back to school in August, the Pennsylvania Conference opened a new learning center in Allentown. The Simplicity Christian Academy (SCA) welcomed a class of third- through sixth-graders for its first year. “SCA is more than just a new school,” shares Karin Lebo, principal and teacher. “It’s a new approach to mission and evangelism. Students are all from the community. Not from the local Adventist church.”
The Simplicity Outreach team of young adult missionaries has worked in the Allentown community for several years, meeting physical needs and building relationships within the surrounding neighborhoods. Their Kidz Church program, a special service for children and other activities, has connected them with more than 100 children. Program leaders thought an Adventist school was the next step in teaching and leading these kids to Christ. Simplicity Christian Academy was designed to be a mission school, educating children right in their own neighborhood as a center of influence. It is one of the first mission schools in the North American Division committed to reaching children who aren’t growing up in an Adventist home or family.
“The Lord has used the wonderful team at Simplicity Outreach to create a framework for the first urban mission school in Pennsylvania,” shares Lebo. “This school will have the same quality education found in our traditional Adventist schools, but will [serve] pre-Adventist children who live in academically underserved, urban Allentown. We have described Pennsylvania as a mission field and Pennsylvania Conference has entered uncharted waters by opening the first urban mission school in Pennsylvania. Please pray for your local mission.”
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