Columbia Union Hosts ASI Fall Convention
Story by Columbia Union ASI Staff
The Columbia Union Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries (CUASI) recently hosted their fall convention, themed “Launch 2018: Not Mine, But Yours,” at the Doubletree by Hilton in Columbia, Md.
“From the opening session, we cast an exciting vision forward to each session which spoke to God’s workings in the lives of His people. All in attendance were inspired and empowered to give God their best,” says Mark Brown, CUASI president. “We welcomed new members, engaged several young professionals and enjoyed a wonderful worship experience.”
Sessions offered inspiring worship thoughts, tips on running businesses and included an agape feast and prayer service.
“This event actually did inspire me, because hearing how others stepped out in faith to build businesses under God’s guidance has encouraged me take the first steps in building a business I’ve been thinking about for a long time. I believe it is something God wants me to do,” says Margaret Anderson, CUASI co-communication vice-president who attends the Potomac Conference's Orange (Va.).
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