Members Distribute El Centinela
Pacific Press recently printed 1,000,000 copies of El Centinela for distribution across the North American Division. The One Million Plan is a joint initiative of the North American Division's Multilingual department, the Hispanic Coordinators from each of the union and conference offices, the local hispanic churches and El Centinela Magazine.
Story by Pacific Press staff
The One Million Plan will form an integral part of an evangelistic thrust that aims to work with the Hispanic churches and their communities. With Hispanic membership in North America growing and enthusiastic about sharing the Gospel, each member will be encouraged to personally give copies of the magazine to their friends and neighbors. Each magazine will contain a Bible study enrollment card.
The One Million Plan will work in advance of a campaign by La Voz de la Esperanza. In November Pastor Omar Grieve will preach a reaping series of evangelistic meetings. Between May and November, church members will follow up and give Bible studies to those who responded to the Bible study enrollment cards placed in each copy of El Centinela.
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