Columbia Union Presents Teachers and Administrator Awards
The Columbia Union Conference Office of Education recently presented one administrator and two teachers with their annual awards. Below, recipients share their reactions:
I am uncomfortable being singled out; the motto I’ve lived by is “etch your name on hearts, not on marble.” However, I see this as recognition of my team, of their passion and hard work to impact the lives of our students. It is for them that I humbly accept this recognition!—David Morgan, principal at Blue Mountain Academy in Hamburg, Pa., is Outstanding Administrator of the Year
I am humbled. As Christian educators, we daily minister to students and their families. As a product of Adventist education, I know what my teacher's modeled. I stand on their shoulders. This challenges me to continue to “press on toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (see Phil. 3:14).—Cassandra Danley-Arnold, math/technology teacher at Dupont Park Adventist Elementary in Washington, D.C., is Outstanding Educator of the Year
It is very humbling. I truly feel like you are only as good as the people around you. Desmond T. Doss Christian Academy and the Lynchburg church have amazing groups of people who support each other for the ultimate goal of bringing our students closer to Christ.—Stephen Doss, principal at Desmond T. Doss Christian Academy in Lynchburg, Va., is Outstanding Educator of the Year
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