The Fool's Prayer
Ethan Madding, a senior at Spencerville Adventist Academy in Spencerville, Md., recently showed his film, The Fool’s Prayer, at the 2018 Sonscreen Film Festival at the North American Division Headquarters in Columbia, Md.
The film is an adaption of Marvin Moore’s book, Witnesses Through Trial, a story about two German Schutzstaffel (SS) officers who deal with a prisoner who won’t work on the Sabbath.
"The main point of this film is to not let your personal, political, or any other worldly views come before your spiritual values and ideals, and the story of Patzke is like the story of the Fiery Furnace in the Bible. No matter the consequences, Shadrach Meshach and Abednego do not bow down to the king’s golden image, in keeping with the first commandment. Patzke will not work on Sabbath, because it interferes with God’s law and what he told us to do," says Madding.
Read more about Sonscreen and the other films submitted here.
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