Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Nearly 200 Gather for Columbia Union ASI Spring Convention

IMG_8542Nearly 200 attendees, presenters and exhibitors recently gathered for the Columbia Union Conference’s ASI (Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries) annual spring convention themed “Ambassadors for Christ.”

Story by Larie Gray

Thursday evening Emanuel Pelote, Columbia Union ASI president, reminded attendees that although ambassadors for Christ can, like Elijah, be tempted to feel they are alone in their struggle to serve God, ASI serves as proof that God has not abandoned them. Instead, He has given them a large, committed family of fellow believers who are giving their all for Christ.

Emanuel Pelote, Columbia Union ASI President says “It’s wonderful to have so many world-class leaders and presentations here to inspire members to work together more strategically for Christ here in Columbia Union. There are so many wonderful things that God is doing in our through our fellow church members that many don’t even know about, and it’s a real blessing to experience the passion that God has put in their hearts here at the convention”

Emanuel Pelote, Columbia Union ASI president, speaks during the spring convention. Emanuel Pelote, Columbia Union ASI president, speaks during the spring convention.

Over the weekend, several presenters offered seminars planned to assist attendees in their work. New member David Kim made a powerful presentation about how to witness to the challenging group of wealthy, worldly and well-educated individuals that God places in business owners' paths.

Featured photo:  David Kim makes a presentation during the ASI Spring Convention.

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