WGTS 91.9 Must Soon Bid Farewell to Senior Chaplain Terry Johnsson
The Washington Adventist University-owned WGTS 91.9 FM radio station will soon be bidding a fond farewell to Chaplain Terry Johnsson, who will be joining Adventist Health in Portland, Oregon, on May 1 as executive director of Mission Integration.
Story by Washington Adventist University Staff
For the past eight years, Johnsson has served as Senior Chaplain at WGTS 91.9, hosting the program Breakaway on Saturday mornings at 9 a.m. -- helping listeners grow spiritually through conversations with authors, speakers, and other special guests. He has also served on the WGTS 91.9 Board of Directors since 1997, a role that he will continue.
"Terry is one of a kind, and has built up the chaplain’s department, directed its growth and kicked off many innovative initiatives – so he will most certainly be missed,” says Kevin Krueger, WGTS 91.9 vice president and general manager. “We look forward to Terry’s continued influence on Washington, D.C. through his continued membership on our board of directors, the weekly program Breakaway, and special events like Night of Hope.”
According to Krueger, one of Johnsson’s initiatives at WGTS 91.9 and something he is passionate about is PrayerWorks, a virtual prayer community with 248,800 active participants. It is the largest virtual prayer community in the United States.
“We are extremely fortunate at Washington Adventist University (WAU) to have such a dynamic radio station as WGTS 91.9, contributing the strong spiritual support of its outstanding ministry team,” says Weymouth Spence, WAU president. “Despite Terry Johnsson’s departure, amazing things are still ahead, and our vision for the future of the radio station and the university remains strong.”
Chaplain Pete Garza will lead the WGTS 91.9 Chaplain’s Department moving forward, according to Krueger.
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