Washington Adventist University Welcomes 22 Teams for Acrofest
Story by WAU Staff
Once every five years Washington Adventist University (WAU) in Takoma Park, Md., opens its doors to young gymnasts from across the U.S., Canada, and the Dominican Republic for Acrofest. This year they welcomed 22 teams with more than 800 performers to our campus. Each participant will spend three days bonding with, and learning from other teams while being renewed spiritually. The theme, Building the Dream, will focus on how teams not only build their routines but how each member allows God to shape their lives.
One team, however, almost didn't make it. Antillean Adventist University (UAA), located in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico has a long track record of attending Acro Fest. After hurricane Maria ravaged the island, making the trip to Maryland appeared impossible. Due to the damage and lack of electricity, UAA students started classes in October, and the gymnasts practiced in different parking lots. When WAU Coach Ben Johnson received the news, he and his team decided to work on making the impossible possible.
"The two schools have always had a strong friendship, and we were moved when we learned of their situation," says Coach Johnson. I decided to look at our budget and move around whatever we could to make it possible for them to attend and thankfully we were able to waive about $6000 in fees for their team."
Currently in its 26th consecutive year, Acrofest started at Andrews University. It is held once a year and hosted by one of the five primary teams: Andrews University, Southern Adventist University, Southwestern Adventist University, Union College and Washington Adventist University. Participants come from as far as Ozark Adventist Academy in Arkansas to Kingsway College in Ontario.
WAU's Acro-Airs comprise 48 students in the junior varsity and varsity teams which have traveled the entire east coast performing at NBA halftime shows and every member on the staff is an alumnus of the school and the program.
Follow this link to purchase tickets to the show on Saturday, November 11.
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