Editorial: Laying a Strong Foundation
Editorial: Laying a Strong Foundation
Editorial by Evelyn Sullivan, illustration by goodsalt.com
During my years as a classroom teacher, my favorite time of the day was when I read or recounted cherished Bible stories to my students. Moses’ mother, Jochebed, placing him in a basket while his older sister Miriam watched the scene never failed to captivate the children’s attention. Often they would ask, “How could Moses’ mother put her baby in a basket and watch it float away?” Even young children understand how critical is the bond between a mother and her child.
I always answered that question very cautiously, saying, “God led Jochebed to place her infant son in the river because He had a special plan for Moses’ life.” We all know how the story progresses. God heard the humble prayers of a Hebrew woman and rewarded her faith by allowing her son to return to her until he turned 12. During those precious years, she committed to educating her child for God. Since she knew her time was short, she was diligent in her instruction. Moses’ entire life, especially the great mission he fulfilled as the leader of Israel, testifies to the importance of the foundational training of his early childhood years.
Partners in Education
The early years are extremely important because new experiences impact the building blocks of the developing brain. Christian education provides such learning opportunities at each stage, from infancy to adulthood. When we as parents and educators ensure that all children have the opportunity to reach their fullest potential, the next generation will pay that investment back through a lifetime of productivity and trustworthy citizenship. Healthy child development is critical to the establishment of our education system, which is the bedrock of a successful nation.
Ellen G. White, in The Adventist Home, states, “Children are the heritage of the Lord, and we are answerable to Him for our management of His property...” (p. 159). The love and dedication required to care for our children is both a blessing and a major responsibility. The influence of the mother and father in a child’s life will impact them well into their adult years. God has committed His precious jewels to our care, to train and educate for His kingdom. We must pray earnestly each day and act in accordance with our prayers for God’s guidance in raising our children in harmony with His plans.
Providing our children with a stimulating environment, with plenty of opportunities to explore and discover, while interacting positively with other Christian families is also significant for their future learning. Effective learning experiences foster optimal development and give children the tools they need to succeed. In view of the responsibility we have to train our children to live productive lives and prepare them for God’s kingdom, let us partner together to aid our children in developing well-balanced minds and characters that will reflect the semblance of God.
Evelyn Sullivan is associate director for Early Childhood Education and Care for the Columbia Union Conference.
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