What did you Learn at the First Psychological First-aid Training?
The Washington Metro Adventist Community Services (WMACS) Federation—in partnership with Adventist Community Services (ACS) of the North American Division and Allegheny East Conference (AEC), and the Columbia Union Conference office of Ministries Development—recently sponsored a premier crisis care training course. Participants learned how to help after a disaster or critical incident using psychological first-aid. Two attendees respond:
Psychological first-aid is the foundation for anyone providing care for another person. Without understanding how to approach someone who’s hurting or how to talk to someone in crisis, even with our best intentions, we end up breaking hearts and damaging spirits. ‘Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting get understanding’ (Prov. 4:7).—Carlton Jones, communication coordinator, WMACS Federation
The course was very instrumental in preparing me to understand the role disaster mental health plays. Our responsibilities as responders to disasters and critical events were clearly outlined. Helping individuals retain a sense of wholeness and stability is a practical application of the gift of presence, an attribute of the Holy Spirit.—Deborah Jeffries, ACS director at AEC’s First church in Washington, D.C.
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