Spencerville Church Raises $15,000 for Hospital in Africa
Spencerville Church Raises $15,000 for Hospital in Africa
Story by Charlotte Pedersen McClure
Some 10 years ago, members of the Spencerville church in Silver Spring, Md., “adopted” the Maluti Adventist Hospital. Sitting in the tiny country of Lesotho and completely wrapped by South Africa, the hospital provides the usual medical services: prenatal care, surgery, an eye clinic and a school of nursing. The patients are nearly always poor, sometimes walking the mountainous region for several hours to receive needed medical assistance. Still it stands as a beacon of hope in the community.
Spencerville members recently opened their hearts and wallets again to benefit the hospital, which desperately needed a pediatric incubator, oxygen generator and upgrades to the laundry. While a $10,000 goal may not seem like a huge amount, members gave more than $15,000. In the past Spencerville provided a furnace for a hospital ward and a new commercial washer, along with smaller gifts.
Hope for Humanity, a ministry of the North American Division, also sponsors Maluti Adventist Hospital. Maitland Di Pinto, an involved elder at Spencerville church, directs the ministry.
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