10 Schools Rank High on Review List
10 Schools Rank High on Review List
Article by Visitor staff
Niche, a company that provides school reviews for potential students, recently ranked 10 schools across the Columbia Union among the top 200 best private schools in their state, nine of them in the top 100. For the list, it ranks 3,880 high schools based on student statistics and more than 120,000 opinions from 16,000 students and parents.
Niche measures academics, which account for 60 percent of the ranking; student culture and diversity, accounting for 30 percent; and survey responses at 10 percent. High Niche rankings generally indicate that students are happy with all aspects of school life, including academics, teachers, health, safety, resources, facilities, sports and fitness. Here is how each school ranked in their state:
55. Highland View Academy
62. Spencerville Adventist Academy
70. Takoma Academy
West Virginia
4. Highland Adventist School
76. Blue Mountain Academy
197. Pine Forge Academy
10. Richmond Academy
60. Shenandoah Valley Academy
62. Spring Valley Academy
66. Mount Vernon Academy
“The overall academic and programmatic quality of our academies holds up very well when compared to other faith-based and private schools that operate within similar budgetary range—and has for many years,” says Ham Canosa, Columbia Union Conference vice president for education. “It is gratifying to know that organizations outside the church are quick to recognize those qualities found in our Columbia Union secondary schools.”
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