Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Book Release: Devotions by Dawn

Devotions by Dawn jpgBook Release: Devotions by Dawn
Interview by Dawna-gene Milton

Devotions by Dawn is a book of devotions written by Collette “Dawn” Davis. Each devotion has a direct application to everyday life. Even through Davis’ battle with cancer, she wanted this book published so others could share in her walk with the Lord.

Davis lived in Mitchellville, Maryland, and attended Allegheny East Conference’s Emmanuel-Brinklow church in Ashton, Maryland, where she was an elder. A year before Dawn’s passing, she moved to Orlando, where she attended Patmos Chapel church in Winter Park, Florida.

Here’s what Faith and Gwen-Marie Davis, Dawn’s daughters, said about the book:

Visitor: How has completing this book blessed your family?

The completion of Devotions by Dawn blessed our family by allowing us to continue her legacy by honoring her request to complete her book. It allowed the family to work closely together to complete this project. The project also created a ministry where we can help others going through life’s challenges and help others to remain full of praise despite their circumstances.

Visitor: Dawn included many songs for the readers, what did music mean to her?

Music was a large part of her spiritual walk. She would often read the words to hymns during family worship and emphasize the importance of reflecting on their meaning instead of just blindly singing. She often included songs in her personal devotions. When facing tough times she would often listen to songs that would provide inspiration and help uplift her spirit.

Visitor: Where did Dawn gain her strength?

She spent daily time with God. She knew that her help and strength came from Him. This daily time was what increased her strength and boosted her spirits.

Dawn Davis Dawn Davis

Visitor: How did Dawn stay so faithful in prayer through the difficult times?

She had a consistent relationship with God. It helped her throughout life. It gave her a way she could smile and stay positive throughout good and bad times. She wanted her readers to also strengthen their faith and develop a deeper relationship with God through Devotions by Dawn.

Visitor: What is the most important thing Dawn would want readers to take away from Devotions by Dawn?

How to keep a positive spirit throughout life’s challenges, total dependence on God and to trust and lean on Him throughout life.


Visit to Amazon, Google Play, iTunes, Potomac Adventist Book and Health Food Store in Silver Spring, MD or to purchase a copy of Devotions by Dawn.

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