Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Union Plans Hispanic Evangelism Festival

vivangelismo_11X17Union Plans Hispanic Evangelism Festival
Story by Sylvia Urrutia

February 20-22 the Columbia Union will host the Lay Evangelism Festival (Livevangelism 2015). Church pastors and leaders of more than 200 Hispanic churches from across the mid-Atlantic area will gather at the Ocean City Convention Center in Ocean City, Md., for the training weekend.

The event will focus on the basic means of fulfilling Christ’s mission. The four parts of that mission are: every disciple praying and reaching out in love to five friends; small groups nurturing revival and evangelism throughout 500 houses; reaching out to new territories by planting 15 new churches; and church ministries and departments intentionally focusing on congregation and community needs.

“We hope every participant will return committed, motivated and equipped to joyfully carry out Jesus’ mission,” says Rubén Ramos (pictured), vice president for Multilingual Ministries and organizer of the event.

For more details, write to or call (410) 997-3414, ext. 586.

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