East Landsdowne Hosts Baby Shower for Homeless Moms
East Landsdowne Hosts Baby Shower for Homeless Moms
Story by Allegheny East Conference Staff
The East Landsdowne church (ELC) in East Landsdowne, Pa., recently sponsored its fifth baby shower for pregnant women living at a local homeless shelter. Women’s ministries members of the church treated the moms to a shower of gifts and love. The women, who have been abused, neglected or financially destitute, received gift baskets containing baby wipes, diapers and other items they would more than likely be unable to obtain for themselves.
Pamela Hamilton Alexander, leader of the Women's Ministry, initiated and hosted the event with the help of the women and deaconesses of the church. Alexander says, "This ministry fulfills the mission of the church in helping to relieve the suffering of others and giving [them] hope." She also noted that studies show the happier the mother is during her pregnancy the healthier the baby tends to be.
S.L. Fordham, ELC pastor, adds, "Just as Jesus admonished the disciples to suffer the little children to come unto Him, we have an obligation as a church to meet people where they are in life—the homeless shelters, streets, prisons and hospitals—and bring the love of Jesus to them. We must lift Him up!" ELC is already planning for the next baby shower.
Pictured: Paulette Hallwood and Hyacinth Frazier helped organized the event.
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