Are We Faithful Stewards?
Are We Faithful Stewards?
By Larry Boggess, Mountain View Conference president
As I observe today’s events, the words of the song “Midnight Cry” come to mind. Troublesome times are upon us. Soon we will hear the midnight cry and Jesus will be here.
That scene causes me to reflect on Jesus’ words in Matthew 25. Jesus affirms the servants that have been faithful in caring for the blessings that were bestowed on them. “Well done, good and faithful servant,” he said (Matt. 25:23).
How is it in your field of labor? Are you being faithful stewards in caring for each Voice of Prophesy (VOP)/Discover Bible Study request card that the Holy Spirit impressed someone to send in? What will be your answer when the Lord asks for an accounting of each name? Are we faithful to those who have joined our church family, seeing that they are cared for so that each new member is grounded to stand in these troublesome times? As we have entered the last quarter of this year, how is it with your financial stewardship? How about our stewardship of time with Jesus? How much time are we spending reading His Word? What about our stewardship of prayer? Do we have a daily, or a moment-by-moment experience with Jesus?
In the scene in Matthew 25, the faithfulness of the servants was the basis for being invited to “enter into the joy of thy Lord.” The Mountain View Conference’s VOP/Discover initiative is not over. We’ll hold another graduation in 2015. The third group of people who requested lessons are just starting their course. Many from the first and second groups are doing Focus on Prophecy lessons. Plans have already been made to host reaping meetings in every conference church in the spring of 2015. Let’s be found faithful stewards in our part of the vineyard and experience the blessings that God has given.
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