PYC Canvasser is Answer to Stranger’s Prayer
PYC Canvasser is Answer to Stranger’s Prayer
Story by Tiffany Brown
God, I want to be just what someone needs when they need it,” prayed Jonathan Dasilva, one of the Pennsylvania Youth Challenge (PYC) students selling Christian books door to door this summer. Dasilva then approached a door and met a woman who looked at the books with sincere interest.
“What religion are you?” she asked.
“I’m a Seventh-day Adventist,” he replied.
With amazement, the lady explained that she had been watching 3ABN and asking God what to do next. Dasilva had knocked on her door just as she finished that prayer. He shared devotional books like Steps to Christ and The Great Controversy, and also shared how to connect with other believers at a nearby church.
God’s timing is always incredible. Dasilva was one of 20 canvassers that ministered to people during the eight-week program. To learn more about PYC, visit payouthchallenge.org.
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