Quick Tips for Fitness Newbies

Photo credit: Houshyar Karimabadi
Quick Tips for Fitness Newbies
There is an exercise program for everyone regardless of age, fitness level, time constraints and finances, says Wilona Karimabadi, National Academy of Sports Medicine certified personal trainer, and a member of Potomac Conference’s Southern Asian church in Silver Spring, Md. Below are a few ways she suggests newbies can start today at getting fit:
Find an Activity you Enjoy
If you hate to run or walk, if the treadmill bores you, try a group class or an elliptical machine. Not sure if traditional strength training is your thing? Try stretching classes or swimming.
Start Slowly and Build Endurance
Hour-long classes aren’t for everyone. If you are sedentary or have taken time off from a fitness program due to injury, pregnancy or illness, don’t be disheartened to start back at the bottom. We all have to start somewhere. The important thing is that you are trying to do something as opposed to nothing. If you stick with it, you will get stronger and you will progress.
Focus on Your Health First
True fitness is not all about weight loss.Fitness involves strength gains, body composition improvement, flexibility and the betterment of your insides. Even if you feel that your outside isn’t changing the way you’d like, if you are consistent, a visit to your doctor for a physical and blood work will tell you something different.
Proper Nutrition and Exercise go Hand in Hand
Committing to a healthy lifestyle includes finding the right exercise program to get in shape and choosing the right foods. Eating whole, unprocessed and natural foods works hand in hand with exercise to heal you from the inside out.
When in Doubt, Modify
Some movements can aggravate old injuries or damage sensitive muscular-skeletal areas. Talk to a certified trainer or physical therapist to find the best and safest options for you.
Don’t Give Up
Doing something is always better than doing nothing. Get up and get moving!
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