Adventese Please: Phrases Only an Adventist Can Understand
You know you’re a Seventh-day Adventist if you’ve ever argued over the proper way to build a haystack. Check out our list of other “Adventese” words and phrases.
Story by V. Michelle Bernard
You know you’re a Seventh-day Adventist if you’ve ever argued over the proper way to build a haystack. Check out our list of other “Adventese” words and phrases then let us know your favorite phrases on www.facebook.com/columbiaunionvisitor.
AYS: Adventist Youth Society, a global organization dedicated to nurturing the youth and young adults of the church. AYS meets weekly at many local churches.
Book and Bible House: Many older Adventists still call an Adventist Book Center (ABC) “Book and Bible House,” like they were called years ago. ABCs sell Christian books and music, vegetarian “meat” and many other essentials for the Adventist lifestyle.
GC: The General Conference (GC) is the world headquarters for the church. It is located in Silver Spring, Md.
Haystacks: A taco salad you assemble yourself, normally including corn chips, lettuce, tomatoes, black olives, onions, cheese, black beans or vegetarian chili and sour cream. It is an Adventist potluck favorite.
NAD: The North American Division oversees the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada, the United States and Bermuda.
Pathfinder: Adventist pathfinders are members of a coeducational scouting organization.
Regional Conferences: Adventists are not talking about NCAA sports groups when referring to regional conferences. Regional conferences, such as Allegheny East and West, provide administrative support and leadership to historically black Adventist organizations and congregations.
SDA (or es-dee-ay): SDA is an often-used abbreviation for Seventh-day Adventist. Many members also refer to them selves as SDAs (pronounces es-dee-ayes). The proper term is actually “Adventist.”
Social: Being “on social” at an Adventist academy is anything but. Being “on social” with someone means that you can’t have any contact with them for a set amount of time. It is normally punishment for inappropriate contact with a member of the opposite gender.
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- Is your church ready for a "mystery guest?" Click here to see what two conferences are doing to help raise awareness about the church experience from a visitor’s viewpoint.
- Why I am No Longer a Lesbian
- 5 Tips for Creating a Visitor-Friendly Church
- Adventese Please: Phrases Only an Adventist Can Understand
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- July 2014 Bulletin Board
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